Wednesday Activities

Preschool and Children

There is a place for children at Geyer Springs on Wednesday nights from 6:00pm - 7:30pm during the school year, beginning August 28, 2024. Each ministry utilizes a fun and creative approach to teach boys and girls the Word of God. Children experience training in the faith through music, games, missions, memory verses, and much more.

SonShine Kids: 3 Year Olds - Kindergarten
MidWeek Kids: 1st - 5th Grades

SonShine Kids

Midweek for Kids

Our Preschool ministry meets in the Preschool area from 6:00pm - 7:30pm. During that time, the kids will go to Bible story, music and games! Each week focuses on a different story from the Bible and each month a new verse is committed to memory. We would love to have your little ones join us!
MidWeek is going to be a great time for 1st - 5th graders to enjoy many different opportunities for Bible instruction and fun! It will incorporate a time for music, missions, large group Bible lessons, small group discussion and games. Each month there will be a theme night that will be incorporated into the evening's events. 


Verge is our mid-week worship service for students in 6th-12th grade. You can come at 5:30pm to eat pizza, snacks, and grab a drink before service starts! Starting at 6:00pm we will worship, pray, play, and learn from God’s Word together. We would love to see you there!

adult STudies

winter Women's bible Study

Men's bible Study

Men's bible study fellowship (BSF)

God of Freedom - join Geyer Women in the fall for this Bible study written by Jen Wilkin.

We will have a new study for men in the fall, beginning August 28!
Revelation - led by Tom Dillon and Bruce Wilson

A BSF Men’s group offers straight talk and biblical truth built on the foundation of Jesus Christ. Exploring God’s Word together allows men to learn from one another, be challenged and encourage each other to live for something larger than themselves.

During the week, members spend time in personal study of the Scriptures with questions that prompt deeper thought. Once a week they meet in-person or online for small-group discussion around what they’ve read. They also have access to a teaching that applies the truths of Scripture to daily life along with comprehensive lesson notes on the passage they studied.

When: Wednesday evenings beginning in September.
Cost: free!
Childcare is available each Wednesday night.

For more information, contact Bruce Wilson at (501) 773-6733 or Tom Dillon at (501) 944-0351.

Worship Choir and orchestra

The Worship Choir is comprised of adults, each bringing their spiritual gifts, abilities, heart, and passion to make our choir a unique body. In music, the level of talent may vary from person to person, but the passion and desire is the same for all. Our goal is to share the love of God.

If you have a passion for worship and the desire to lead the church in worship, you are invited to be a part of the Adult Worship Choir. No auditions are required; join the Worship Choir as we seek to impact lives and reach people through the gift of music.

Rehearsal time is from 6:15pm – 7:30pm each Wednesday in the choir room.
The Worship Orchestra plays a vital part in our worship services. This ministry is comprised of adults who have the experience, passion, heart, and desire to use their instrumental gifts each week to help draw people closer to our Lord.

Rehearsal time is from 6:15pm – 7:30pm each Wednesday in the Worship Center.
For more information about Worship Choir or Orchestra, please contact Jon Skelley at [email protected] or Cyndi Wilkerson at [email protected].

MidWeek Chapel

Midweek Chapel meets Wednesday at 11:00am. We meet in Sanders Hall where we enjoy fellowship with other senior adults, singing hymns, and hearing God's Word. Beginning May 22 Dr. Deahl will lead a study on Revelation during Midweek Chapel.